Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Keep calm and clean the house

'Something' is making me ill. To which V has this to say: Long time coming. By now you gather I'm not talking about my truly horrible cold, which I'm proud to say needed three days of complete bed rest to leave me alone so I can actually function --- It's been real, cold, but I would like to go back to relative normalcy for now. 

Something, n. I am at a crossroads.

Credit to Take Me for a Twirl

Ah, yes. I have yet to make up my mind about 'something' but know this: I will do something about it. To be totally honest, I am no longer happy where 'something' is concerned. And since I am no victim to circumstance, accidental happenstance or otherwise either, it's high time to get a move on.

But that will have to wait. I, after all, pride myself in handling adulthood with poise and grace for the last 27 years of my life and there's no way I am stopping now. Read: I have obligations, and responsible adults take care of their obligations.

On the interim, and since I don't believe in the power of a good wallow (I have done my fair share of many and have drunk from the cup of human sorrow one too many times in the past. I assure you, it's not a pretty sight) I took off to our trusty SM Hypermart and shopped some. OK, I did the groceries and bought some little extras to spruce up our home a bit. I threw out our musty, mold-ridden shower curtain, replaced it with a new subdued green one with a matching rug. My mood picked up from there on! Plus, if you turn a blind eye to the stacks of laundry I have yet to get my hands on, our bathroom is now my second most favorite place in the condo, next to the bed and/or the kitchen. No contest: I love to cook as much as I love to sleep. So there.

Point is, when I'm stressed I shop clean the house and/or do some minor home improvements. Doing so improves my mood immensely and drives away sediments of some negative juju I've picked up along the way being surly. And I have been quite (understatement of the century) been stressed as of late. I am getting by and V is such a huge factor in keeping me sane and happy regardless.

In truth, life is peachy and never better. Except for 'something.'



We are not without our struggles but having you beside me makes me believe and keep on believing.  I can never thank you enough, My Awesome. You're the real deal. I love you. ♥♥♥



Mush is the spice of life. 

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